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Email Automation and Data Processing


The client required automation for web scraping, which can activate upon sending information via email. Moreover, they also wanted error handling and real-time notification to the involved user for immediate rectification.

Problem Statement and Challenges

In order to gather and store large amounts of data from the web, the client wanted a Digital Workforce RPA Bot capable of taking on the task. With the solution, they were trying to reduce the number of employee hours wasted on manual jobs like these.


With a team of experts at our help, we designed precisely what our client wanted, a Digital Workforce RPA Bot that can carry out the task.

The Bot was set up to read through the email inbox and identify emails with instructions for the RPA Bot. Upon doing so, the Bot scans the attachment inside such emails and carries out the web scraping task listed.

If it finds the wrong set of details, incomplete information, or anything else that malfunctions with its regular processing, it immediately reports to the associated user and notifies of the situation.

UiPath is used for analysing emails and opening up web pages. At the same time, VBA was used to scrape data from the web and generate reports.

User Instruction and Solution Documents were generated at the very end of the process.

  • Digital Workforce RPA Bot
  • Email Scraping and Automation
  • Web Scraping
  • Data Validation and Integrity Checks
  • Secured Data Processing
  • UiPath
  • SQL
  • VBS

Results and Success Criteria

After the successful implementation of the RPA Bot, the client experienced a massive boost in the productivity of their business operations as their employees have more free time to spend on tasks of better value.