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Akamai Immigration Assessments - Smartsheet Automation


The client wanted to automate repetitive tasks that required manual input and cost them precious employee hours. To be more precise, they wanted automation done for 'Smartsheet,' a project management application that works through a tabular user interface.

Problem Statement and Challenges

The client started using a project management tool called Smartsheet, assuming it would help them save time and visualise organisational-wide goals. But in turn, it added a lot of manual tasks on the head of employees in the organisation.

Their project managers got busy maintaining 'Smartsheets' instead of managing the project on a ground level, which is why the client requested a solution for the stated problem.


We designed a bot that initially browses through the email inbox and analyses each incoming mail. After that, if the bot finds relevant information that needs to be updated in Smartsheet Database, it adds a new record in the database table in various fields such as AddedOn, processed, and so on.

The bot interacts with the database by scanning the 'input' query with each present record one row at a time till it scans all of the databases. Later on, if it fails to find a similar query, it adds a new one at the top of the table.

Once the bot analyses the inbox and embeds each new record into the smart sheet, it halts operation until its next schedule. And finally, it concludes the automation by adding a ProcessedOn value with the current date and time.

  • Digital Workforce RPA Bot
  • Email Scraping
  • Database Manipulation
  • Secured Data Processing
  • Data Validation and Integrity Checks
  • Smartsheet Automation
  • UiPath
  • SQL

Results and Success Criteria

The client wanted the solution to be implemented in a very short window as it was hurting their business operations drastically, so we completed the first 'Proof of Concept' in just 03 days and delivered the project in 04 weeks.

By implementing the Digital Workforce RPA Bot, we solved every problem the client listed and did it in a record time, which helped them get back to their maximum operational capabilities.