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iManage Tool Automation


The client wanted automation for iManage Tool Automation along with managing bad mail. The automation should be able to upload reports for various client matters while handling security, data integration, and duplication. Email notification should also be generated upon process completion.

Problem Statement and Challenges

The client used the iManage tool for document and email management, which helps keep the data organised and readily available in a single place.

But to segregate the data, manual processes were followed, from uploading the document to categorising and applying various rules, consuming a significant amount of time and creating operational inefficiency.


After analysing the problems, we started setting up the automation. The initial task for the automation process is to upload the reports to the iManage tool while taking care of data integrity, security, and duplication, as requested by the client.

Next comes the segmentation process; the emails get filed if the automation finds a relevant workspace matching the required conditions. Otherwise, they'll be moved to the BadMail folder

The mail and data are validated based on the pre-fixed rules, file creation date, file modification date, and more. Lastly, by running a SQL query, we validate the process is completed and detect any exceptions. If everything runs smoothly, an email notification is sent to the concerned individuals.

  • Automatically Uploading Report
  • Automated Segmentation Processing
  • Bad Mail Detection and Management
  • Email Notification
  • UiPath
  • SQL Server Management Studio
  • Powershell Scripting
  • MS Outlook and Excel

Results and Success Criteria

With the implementation, the client unlocked the iManage tool's full potential. Moreover, the segmentation process became much smoother, and bad mail detection was on point—the overall operational capability of the organisation improved by removing redundant manual processes.